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李宜乔:Delivering Integrated Community Care for the Elderly: A Qualitative Case Study in Southern China

2024-07-10 11:11:00 来源:伟德国际betvlctor1946 点击: 收藏本文


期刊:International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health

摘要:The rapid aging and increasing care demands among the elderly population present challenges to China's health and social care system. The concept of aging in place has prompted the implementation of integrated community care (ICC) in the country. This study aims to provide empirical insights into the practices of integrated care policies and approaches at the community level. Data for this study were collected through six months of participatory observations at a local community health service center in a southern Chinese city. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with the multidisciplinary community care team to gather frontline formal caregiver perceptions of ICC, thereby facilitating a better understanding of the obstacles and opportunities. Qualitative analysis revealed four themes: the ICC delivery model and development strategies within the community care scheme, the person-centered guiding principle, and the challenges and struggles encountered by formal caregivers within China's current ICC system. The case study presented herein serves as a notable example of the pivotal role of primary care in the successful implementation of elderly care within a community setting. The adoption of a private organization-led approach to medico-social integration care in the community holds significant potential as a service delivery model for effectively addressing a wide range of elderly care issues.